Rank TITLE Avg./day Visits (pageviews) Details
total today
1.   208.8% It's just my personal opinion 57.42 4860 28 (34)
2.   228.6% Social situation seen in the news 55.88 5291 29 (35)
3.  -62.8% eLoveDates 17.04 3425662 1 (3)
4.  -100.0% Free-spirited news column 12.15 3216 0 (0)
5.  -100.0% Spell out the times 12.15 4520 0 (0)
6.  -100.0% Hava Durumu 0.70 256222150 0 (0)
7.  -100.0% Banche Italiane 0.14 43425 0 (0)
8.  -100.0% 0.14 358282 0 (0)